Sunday Wisdom: What Love Looks Like

Shortly after the assassination attempt on President Trump my sister shared this speech (sermon?) with me. It was given by LT Governor Mark Robinson (R-NC) at the RNC Faith and Freedom breakfast on July 18th.

I urge you to take the 18 minutes to listen to LT Governor Mark Robinson’s words — they are very much for these dire times we face.

If you’re not in a space where you can watch and listen to the speech, here is just one of the pivotal moments in his speech below… but do go to church today with this man. You will not regret it.

But love is the key. Sometime love looks like, looks like, you know, hugging your wife, giving her a kiss, sometime love, love looks like hugging your children and telling them that he did a good job and you're proud of them. Guess what else? Love looks like - love looks like a war…

No greater love. The Bible says, is there to that sometime love looks like a soldier's casket draped in that American flag where he sacrificed himself to save others from suffering, preserve their freedom. Love is the key folks, without love.

All of this is useless - if we are doing this because we hate those who oppose us.

We will get nothing. We will be useless. Not even to our friends. You ever noticed that how people who are driven by hate, they get nothing accomplished. They go nowhere. When we're driven by love, that's when we make a difference. No matter how angry sometime we may get, no matter how demonstrative we may be, when it's coming from a place of love, it yields the desired result.

Link to a full transcript here.

Peace be with you and God bless America.


Fight, fight, fight