A Conversation with Unite2Win805 Candidates

Candidates for Santa Barbara County Republican Party Central (County) Committee Mary Hudson, Cheryl Trosky and Colleen Estrada had a sit down with Josh Molina on February 23rd.

Topics covered were far ranging - from why run to the importance of education to the current leadership of the local GOP (what needs to change and why). Here’s a link to Josh Molina’s “Santa Barbara Talks” Trosky, Hudson & Estrada: The Battle for Power, Control of the Santa Barbara County Republican Party.

If you want to better understand the plan the Unite2Win805 Coalition has to reinvigorate Republican Party - have a listen to the podcast and explore all the highly qualified Unite2Win805 candidates here on our website. We respectfully ask for your vote.


Mysteries of the Central Committee Explained


On Ethics and Effectiveness #3